Wendy Falla

Wendy pic







What do you write?

Poetry, fiction of all lengths – flash, short stories, novellas, novels, biography…

Who or what do you get your inspiration from?

Mostly from my unique Channel Island upbringing with eccentric parents + a life of unusual experiences.

What is your writing routine?

I live on a farm, so get up at 5am – I read what I wrote the previous day and then set off with the dogs for a couple of hours and think about writing and how I’m going to progress or edit when I return. I usually manage to write for a couple of hours during the morning and then again late at night.

Whilst people-watching for research purposes, what is the funniest comment you have overheard?

I was accompanying my centenarian grandfather home on a ferry, when a fellow passenger started chatting to him and told him that she was going on holiday to recuperate from an operation and that she couldn’t swim, ride a bicycle or have sex for 6 weeks – he said ‘Good God woman! What are you telling me this for – did you think I was going to offer?’

If you could have lunch with any writer, dead or alive, who would it be?

Too difficult to pick just one!

You’re marooned on a desert island and have to make a fire. Which book or series would you hide from the flames?

A S Byatt’s ‘Possession’.

Further Contact Details:

Twitter: @wendyandwhisp
Blog: Wendy’s Life Laundry
Facebook: Wendy Falla Writer
YouTube: Wendy and Whisp
Email: pianolablues@hotmail.co.uk